East Cobb homeowners are looking for products and services to enhance their lifestyles and increase the value of their homes. In response to this affluent and resourceful readership, EAST COBBER is proud to announce its 8th Annual Home & Garden Guide.

This special section —to be featured in the March 2017 issue —targets homeowners interested in improving their homes, both inside and out. Experts (our H&G advertisers) will contribute information on topics ranging from construction and structural alterations to decorating, furnishing, landscaping, and outdoor entertaining. EAST COBBER’s 8th Annual Home & Garden Guide aims to provide the best reference guide for local homeowners searching for ideas to enhance their life at home.


For more than 23 years, the EAST COBBER has been informing and promoting East Cobb County. The EAST COBBER monthly has a circulation of 40,000, is distributed directly to 10,000 homes and has 500+ drop off points in East Cobb County.

  • Targeted market = receptive audience
  • Long table life = increased readership and impressions for your ads
  • Full color = increased readership and advertisement retention
  • Editorial teamed with advertising = increased results

If you would like to be a part of this special advertising section, please contact me today at 770-640-7070Ask about our SPECIAL OFFER FOR HOME & GARDEN ADVERTISERS!

Call Soon! The DEADLINE for the March Issue is Wednesday, February 15.