Occupation/Age: 38, Certified Personal Trainer and Les Mills GRIT Coach at Women’s Premier Fitness

Weight Lost: Callahan prefers not to focus on the scale, instead measuring her success by her physique. In 5 years, she has lost 5 dress sizes and reduced her body fat percentage by 33%.

Why She Lost It: After having her second child, Callahan wanted to get into shape. Initially she focused on losing weight, but Women’s Premier Fitness changed her mindset; she wanted to focus on being strong instead of skinny. She joined their total body transformation classes and loved the results!

How She Lost It: She attended group classes four to five times a week. Her favorite class, Body Combat, inspired her to start taking the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class GRIT. The 5-10 person groups in GRIT keep each other motivated, and even inspired Callahan to become an instructor for the class.

Her Favorite Healthy Foods: Callahan emphasizes the importance of a healthy breakfast every morning: her picks are oatmeal and eggs. She also makes protein smoothies regularly, composed of spinach, banana, almond milk, protein powder, and spices like cinnamon. Her family often eats seafood as a source of lean protein, and she avoids temptation by not keeping unhealthy food in the house.

Lesson Learned: Callahan stresses that fitness does not equate to being skinny; it is about being healthy and strong. She encourages people to measure their fitness by indicators other than the scale, such as how their clothes fit and what kind of lifestyle they have. She also cautions that weight loss is not a quick-fix process. It requires a combination of a strong mindset, exercise, healthy eating, and knowledge that the process will take some time.